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诚信 / 安全 / 专业 / 创新

公司通过ISO9001 2008质量管理体系认证、环境管理体系认证、职业健康安全管理体系认证;先后被浙江省公安厅授予首批“规范化保安服务公司”;被评为省市先进保安从业单位、杭州市服务业优秀企业;连续两届获得中国报警运营服务优秀企业和中国报警服务三十强;获得杭州市服务保障G20杭州峰会先进集体的荣誉。

Hangzhou Xihu Security Services Company, a state-owned company which belongs to Xihu District government, was established in April,1994. Our company is a professional safety and security enterprise assembling personal protection, technical protection and dog safeguard techniques. Our company possesses qualification certificates, such as AAA Certificate of Credit Grade, Safety Technical Precaution Engineering Design and Construction Class A, Electronic and Intelligent Engineering Specialty Contracting Base Class B, Personal Protection Class A and Technical Security and Protection Class B. We also have over 20 construction divisions and engineers and over 6000 well-trained security guards.

Our company has earned official accreditation of ISO9001 Quality Management System、Occupational Health and Safety Management System and Environmental Management System; been awarded as “Standardized Security Services Company”by Department of Public Security of Zhejiang Province; been rated as “Advanced Security Unit” and “Excellent Company of Service Industry”; acquired “Excellent Company of Alarm Operation Service” and  “Advanced Group of Hangzhou G20 Summit”.
Our company has more than 500 custom units involving governments offices, colleges and universities, banks, hospitals, hotels, supermarkets and tourist attractions. Our company applied IOT (Internet of Things) into building security prevention and control network to maintain school security. We even built a emergency response team consist of 200 well-trained safety guards to dispose contingencies. Our company will make every effort to establish new tech enterprise of security, extend security business and set up excellent service brand.

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